Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Okay.. try to keep the separated

I have decided to give Lydia her own space. She now has her own blog that she will keep updated herself. Yes with that comes a few complications. I won't always be there to make sure she uses the right grammer and or punctuation and yes, it will be in Lydia-nese. If you care to get to know her better please check out her profile, and please comment as well. I know she will enjoy them! If however you can not understand her, you can always ask her or I to explain better. The link to her blog is http://lydiascornerofthegrid.blogspot.com/ and it is also listed on my sidebar under the "friends blogs" list. We both hope you will enjoy. This is also to keep our accounts separate. And to not clutter up mines with her stories. I will be posting again soon. Just a little update on things, I am waiting to get my passport should be any day now hopefully since I paid extra to get it expedited. as soon as it is in my possession we will plan the next step, purchasing the tickets. and then it is off to england I go! WOOT WOOT! I will post more on this later until then...

signing off,


  1. Yay! I'm so excited about you coming to visit me :-)

    Just a matter of waiting for the silly paperwork and we can get going.

    Lots of love, Stuart.

  2. I am sooo excited, I cant wait!

    Lots of love, me hehe
