Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Birthday...

To me...

ah well. just another day.. the family doesnt even acknowledge it anyway other than Madre. its family tradition to go out to eat on our birthday with the family. well when we made the schedule for work (my mother, older sister and i all work at the same place) we put a friend of ours on for tonight so that we could go out to dinner for my bday. well sandy and joe decided to take the 3 kids to get their pictures taken, tonight.. cant be during the day because joe works, so has to be tonight, cant be tomorrow night or friday night, tonight... its not like sandy is working all that much, the newborn is only 2 weeks old today. oh well. maybe i will just go get a bottle and celebrate myself. until next time...


  1. Belated happy birthday sis *hugs*. I am sorry that you have not had a party. When you come over in the summer we can all go out for a meal or something by way of a belated celebration. I'm going to be working away at school on my birthday so perhaps we can do something for both of our birthdays together.

    Take care and lots and lots of love. Stuart.

  2. *HUGS* that would be great! thank you so much. I cant wait to see you again

    lots of love back
