Monday, July 27, 2009

A quiet end to a long weekend

Well we had lots of kids all weekend. My middle nephew Ben had surgery today, so we got James and Lilienne Sunday after church. We also babysat Seth and Cassie Sunday night, then again Monday morning so they just stayed all night along with James and Lilienne.

Sierra and Mackenzie were over a lot, they are so adorable little girls. We played in the sand box as last post shows. I buried them all Sunday so today, they all buried me up to my chin, no there aren't any pictures of this, but we had a lot of fun. But it is nice Monday night and all the kids went to their own homes and I can now sleep in my own bed. Last night Seth, Cassie, and James started out in my tent that I set up in the living room. Then they ended up in my bed with me. Even though I have a king sized bed, I had very little room so I moved to the couch out in the family room. Lilienne slept in "Gamma's" room on her bed so "Gamma" slept on the recliner. Then bright and early it was time to go outside ride bikes and play in the sandbox... it was a very long day. Tomorrow we are planning on not babysitting anyone, kids might come over, but we will not be "Donna's Daycare" for the day.

I have thought about putting up a sign cuz all the kids in the neighborhood seem to really like me. I think one of the biggest thing that helps is I love to play with them, my inner kid likes to come out, and though I can be the "grown up" when needed, I more or less just play with them and be their friend. Sometimes is a bad thing but most of the time we have a blast and that's what really counts, (along with no one getting hurt... *looks at Boo Boo 1 and Boo Boo 2 and giggles*).

Well, I really should say goodnight, I have 2 appointments tomorrow.

I think I am going to start writing in this every night or more than I did for awhile, use this time to vent what's on my mind and stuff. I take lots of pictures so every once in awhile post a few pictures.


  1. Hey sis, it's good to see you writing again and I'm glad to see that you are so into all your childcare activities. Hope that your appointments went well.

    Take care, Stuart.

  2. yeah it went pretty well, got 2 more again tomorrow. every tuesday and friday, they keep comming. yeah i am gonna try and do more writing more often.
