Monday, October 6, 2008

Cycle to Bristol... and other things

I know, it has been almost a week since I actually did the cycle to Bristol last Wednesday and it is now Monday but I am just now recovering.. lol, nah just kidding. A lot seems to have been happening. Well first off, let me explain this, Stuart normally cycles into work, (in Bristol) to save on gas, at nearly 9 dollars a gallon, wouldnt you? its 'only' 20 miles right.. I can do this.. wait, I gotta cycle all that back in the same day?? you have got to be kidding me. It takes Stuart about 2 hours to get there. Three and a half hours later... we are pulling into Bristol.. After I collapse in chair at his place of work, and drink down an OJ "initiate a bag a potato chips" lol (I been learnin Stuart on how to be a redneck... what better way the Blue Collar Comedy Tour). Anyways on the way in my hip popped out of its socket 2 times.. that sucks because it is really painful, but luckily Stuart has mastered the technique of putting it back in. Oh another funny lil story... on our way to Bristol, we stopped in town for a latte. I dont really like them cuz they are not sweet to my opinion (Stuart says that I cant taste the sweetness because my taste buds have been tortured through the huge amounts of sugar it 'used' to taste..but it will relearn to taste the real sweetness in time...) But since we are doing this great big cycle, he allowed me to put as much sugar as I wanted WHOOT WHOOT.. but when I got to about packet number 5.. I noticed... people were looking at me like I was some strange freakazoid from another planet... so I stopped. Apparently no one in this country enjoys the pleasure of SUGAR.. you know, they dont even know what Mt Dew is??? that's sad.. lol but I am getting better at this no sugar deal. Eating healthy, and getting into shape. Thursday last week was the first time I left the house alone... getting a little more confidence with the area. so I walked down to the convinient store to get something to eat. It was soo expensive tho, so I just got a little soggy sandwich and a water, went over to the park ate it then made my way back home. Nothing too exciting that day. Thursday evening we headed off to the supermarket and got some food. Haggis... yay.... Then we headed off to Akido. I sat out this time though, a little more intense than I am ready for. But Stuart enjoyed beating up Mark. Until Mark got his leg hurt. lols. but he is alright, then we went home and Stuart made me Pad Thai again.. hmmmmm one of my favorite dishes so far.. Then we went to bed. Friday he was at work all day, Saturday he went into Bristol for his sailing class, Sunday we had Rosa over for Pirates of the Caribbean 2, and now today he has work today then sailing class tonight so instead of comming home for an hour he is just gonna stay in Bristol til his sailing class is done. He will get home around 1030ish tonight. Today is gonna be bad for him at work tho.. cuz he has 2 meetings and then has to work on a program. But its begining of the month, and things are always hectic at the begining of the month for him. (HUGS STUART). But he wants a change in career anyways. So wednesday we are going south,, forget the name of the town. He has an interview its about 3.5 hours away. He wants to take a carpentry class next year on building boats. So that will be neat. But yeah, nothing really more to report at this time, I am gonna work on a few other things now. I will post a few pictures of the Bristol Bike Ride.






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