Monday, February 22, 2010

Birthday and other

Well I had a slow start to my bday. it started out real crappy then ended real good. Unfortunately Gram died today. 2-22-10 at 3:30pm. she will be very much missed... sorry I cant write anymore today, maybe tomorrow or another time


  1. Hey sis,

    I'm so sorry to hear about Stella. I know how much you cared about her; she was a really nice lady. I remember talking to her when I was over in the states last time and thinking she was very special.

    I'm glad that your birthday went well. Sorry I missed it. I'm completely rubbish at dates I'm afraid.

    Take care and look after yourself.

    Love, Stuart.

  2. ah its okay, she will forever be loved and missed. she truely was an awesome lady.
