Friday, February 26, 2010

well lets see.. gram died unfortunately I miss her so much, more than I was prepared to. I have found a sorta new obcession over the past 2-3 weeks. they are called Reborn babys. they are SO realistic. I will post pictures sometime in the near future. their hair is real, you can see their tiny little veins. if you didnt know they were a doll you would think they were real. I got one today off ebay. she was not too expensive compared to some but to people who dont appreciate the art that is put into this baby, they would think it was expensive. I feel it was just right, though after seen Angela Lynn whom I got to name, I would have paid more. but thats just me personally. but its friday night game night here at the house so I will write more later.

until next time

Monday, February 22, 2010

Birthday and other

Well I had a slow start to my bday. it started out real crappy then ended real good. Unfortunately Gram died today. 2-22-10 at 3:30pm. she will be very much missed... sorry I cant write anymore today, maybe tomorrow or another time