Saturday, August 8, 2009

Well we had good intentions...

Well we had good intentions... We got up early this morning... well early for me, but not so early for Shannon. We loaded up the truck with our bikes and the car with all of us and we headed off to Moraine Bike Trail. 7 miles in 7 miles back. Just Shannon and I with all the time of day to get these miles done. Well from basically the start Shannon's bike made a loud squeaking noise and it was very annoying. I looked at it and the back break was rubbing along the tire the entire time. we tried to loosen it but had no luck.

We dealt with it til about 4.5 miles and found a good spot where we could call Mike to come pick us up. (No Mike is not Danielle's Mike... Shannon is married to a Mike.. just to clarify). So we headed home and we are planning for another trip in the near future. I think we both could have gone further if it had not been for the annoying bike squeaking.

Oh and there was no problems with my hips so HORRAH for that. And I also remembered to eat a healthy breakfast, a bowl of cereal and a banana. We also drank plenty of water.

I thought and joked about taking before and after pictures. But didnt get to, and we really didnt go far enough to really have a difference in the end.

So that was my day so far. Things have been getting a little better for me in the emotional end of things, so that is good. Well I am gonna head off I have some DBT homework and a few other things to do, and we are all going to church tomorrow so yay!!!

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