Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Donna Daycare...

Well Saturday evening around 10:20pm, Sierra age 6 had a mild seizure, She went to the ER and everything was okay, then Tuesday went to Children's Hospital and she has epilepsy. It might be the kind where she has a few then never again, could be a one time thing or it might be a very common thing for her from this point on. So we are all keeping a close eye on her to see how she is. Hopefully it wont occur too often.

Other than this, Donna Daycare is well.. getting bigger, today there was 8 children. Luckily my mother was there to help me for the most part.

Leeland (almost 3), Seth (6) James (almost 4) Ben (almost 2) Cassie (4) Lilienne (6 months) McKenzie (4) and Sierra (6)

So as you can tell we had quite the time today, there were here from 12pm, til about 5:30pm-6pm. But we had a lot of fun.

Sorry most of my blogs are featuring the children a lot, but lately that is all that is going on is the children. So until new material arrives, you can continue reading or skip my posts for now *giggles*

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Well we had good intentions...

Well we had good intentions... We got up early this morning... well early for me, but not so early for Shannon. We loaded up the truck with our bikes and the car with all of us and we headed off to Moraine Bike Trail. 7 miles in 7 miles back. Just Shannon and I with all the time of day to get these miles done. Well from basically the start Shannon's bike made a loud squeaking noise and it was very annoying. I looked at it and the back break was rubbing along the tire the entire time. we tried to loosen it but had no luck.

We dealt with it til about 4.5 miles and found a good spot where we could call Mike to come pick us up. (No Mike is not Danielle's Mike... Shannon is married to a Mike.. just to clarify). So we headed home and we are planning for another trip in the near future. I think we both could have gone further if it had not been for the annoying bike squeaking.

Oh and there was no problems with my hips so HORRAH for that. And I also remembered to eat a healthy breakfast, a bowl of cereal and a banana. We also drank plenty of water.

I thought and joked about taking before and after pictures. But didnt get to, and we really didnt go far enough to really have a difference in the end.

So that was my day so far. Things have been getting a little better for me in the emotional end of things, so that is good. Well I am gonna head off I have some DBT homework and a few other things to do, and we are all going to church tomorrow so yay!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Another week come and gone..

Well last week was rather very busy. A lot of ups and downs, eh everyone has those days. Friday was our new "traditional game night" where we all sit around the table and play LRC and have a few drinks. (some more than others.. lols).

Basically you are supposed to start with 3 pennies (we originally started with quarters but quickly ran out so now we substitute penny's instead but still call it "da twarter dame" as Cassie calls it. You have 3 pennies and you get to roll 3 dice, whatever the dice say that is where you put your pennies, L goes to the left, R goes to the Right, C goes to the center and if it is a blank you get to keep it. If you have 2 pennies you only roll 2 dice. Simple enough and the children LOVE this game and they are really "good luck charms" they always roll blanks. Now if you no longer have pennies don't fret, the game isn't over until someone wins the "pot" which is all the penny's in the middle, unless the pot wins and then you play again and the pot gets even bigger. The way you win the game is you are the only one with a penny and you roll a blank and not have to give away the penny, where you win the whole pot. After this happens we have a pee break, drink refill, round up more pennies and start over again.

This game is fun but its getting a little monotonous. So we need to find a few more games to play and switch them up sometimes.

Saturday it rained a lot of the day and so not a lot happened. Sunday we had a lot of fun playing with the kids. I really enjoy the kids (most of the time), and listening to Leeland "rev it up" is soo funny I will have to figure out how to post it on here cuz it is great. Whenever I need a good laugh I just listen to it and I bust out laughing.

Monday I babysat 5 kids all by myself. It wasn't too bad. Sierra, Mackenzie and Ally were here from 3:30-5:30 and Seth and Cassie were here from 4:30-8:30. I would babysit Sierra and Mackenzie anytime they are such angels. Ally was pretty good too as long as I held her just right. I am thinking she is colicky.

I love Seth and Cassie as well but lately they been getting on my last nerve and riding it hard. But they are gonna be getting another babysitter once school starts and Kelly gets another job. But it won't be like I won't ever get to see them anymore, they are my neighbors and they don't like to leave

"Donna Daycare" sign is going on the house. That is what I feel like a lotta times they all want to be around me, all the time. In the mornings before I go outside, I see them ride their bikes up and down the street and look in our yard to see if I am out. I go outside and I can not hide they all scream "DONNA" and run from everywhere. It feels good in a way to have such an interaction with the kids and they all love me. Makes me feel good. But I don't know why... I mean yeah I play with them, I chase them, I bury them, I play dolls with them, I set up the cabin into a house, I go down the slide with them "side saddle" my butt don't fit anymore *giggles*. But even before all that stuff... they loved me. and I don't know why.. oh well. Least we have fun and that's all that really matters.

I am going to be planning a trip soon to the Pittsburgh Zoo with a friend of mines. Should be a lot of fun and I am excited because I am hoping for some great photo opportunities with my new camera that I got for Christmas. So I will probably post a few of the good pictures in here.

Well All, I am tired, meds are starting to kick in and I'm about to sack out.

Goodnight xxx